
Achievement Habits – Small Routines, Big Outcomes: Online Workshop in English

Achievement Habits – Small Routines, Big Outcomes: Online Workshop in English


There is no single recipe for success, self-realization, achieving your goals and following your dreams. We all are too different individually. Therefore in this seminar we are going to look at and try out a large variety of methods, systems, frameworks, routines and tools that can increase motivation and focus, improve self organisation, help you time manage and plan strategically – with the aim to find the ones that suit you best and that work for you. The ideal balance between planning and improvising is different for everybody. Therefore we will try out a variety of small changes – easy routines, small habits, ways of thinking and taking action – and find out which can make a big difference for you.

You will leave this seminar with a new pool of methods that you can try out, combine, improve, customize to your needs and liking to help transform your desires into action, manage your attention, time and energy better, gain clarity and actively move towards your goals big or small as well as keep them in focus throughout a longer time period (and not just for the first hours, days, months like most people do).

This seminar is for you if
you have a lot of ideas and often do not know where to start
you feel like you have more ideas than you can get done
you tend to do important stuff tomorrow
you have a lot of different roles, projects, construction sites
you are so disciplined that you loose your breath or faith in yourself sometimes
you want to create more mindfulness, awareness and balance in your life
you are interested in time management, self management and in small changes that create big differences over time

**This course is in English**

Eintritt und Öffnungszeiten


For taking part in our EU supported workshops we charge a €40 service fee.
Please use our booking form for each workshop.

ARTWert V – Professionalisierung in der Kulturwirtschaft wird aus Mitteln der Europäischen Union (Europäischer Sozialfonds) aus dem Programm Qualifizierung in der Kulturwirtschaft (KuWiQ) und des Landes Berlin (Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa) unterstützt und von der Stiftung Pfefferwerk kofinanziert.


Bildende Kunst
Film & Rundfunk
Literatur & Verlage
Mode & Textil
Tanz & Theater
Selbstmanagement, Timemanagement, Tools, Zeitmanagement


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