Daniela Lucato

Daniela Lucato

Actress / Screenwriter/Filmmaker/Editor

The Rebellious Body - Connecting Fingers Company

The second chapter of the theatre dance trilogy The Wheel represents an aspect of the adult world: work and, in particular, industrial activity in the industrial world which, since the birth of capitalism in England at the end of the 17th century, has implemented more and more forms of control on men's and even more on women’s lives, producing a body discipline aimed at mechanization processes. The industrial society must in the end give to the industries well disciplined bodies. Inspired by the reading and discussion of the essay The Great Caliban: the Struggle against the Rebel Body of Silvia Federici dedicated to this theme, by some suggestions of Lars von Trier’s film Dogville which was also relevant for the first part of the project and by Sara Fortuna’s script The Wheel puts at the core of its work a choreographic interpretation of control and subordination processes around the body.

Connecting Fingers Company:
Author: Sara Fortuna
Dramaturgy/Director/Choreography: Daniela Lucato
Dance/Choreography: Roberta Ricci, Nicola Campanelli
Music: David Travers

Festivals/Shows 2018:
Performing Arts Festival Urbanraum Sunday Solos
Festival International de Danza Contemporanea Mexico City - FIDCDMX

The Rebellious Body - Connecting Fingers Company Foto: Daniela Lucato/ JPantaleoni
Foto: Daniela Lucato/Jpantaleoni
Foto: Daniela Lucato/ JPantaleoni
Foto: Daniela Lucato/Jpantaleoni
Foto: Connecing Fingers Company/Daniela Lucato
Der rebellische Korper
Foto: Connecting Fingers Company/Daniela Lucato
Der rebellische Korper
Foto: Connecing Fingers Company/Daniela Lucato
Der rebellische Korper
Der rebellische Korper


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