Creative City Berlin is the central platform for artists, cultural producers and the creative industry in Berlin. We are your go-to source of information for current funding programmes, scholarships, workshops, jobs and events. We report on creative industry market trends and cultural happenings in Berlin. Creative City Berlin gives a voice to Berlin’s creative scene and helps you connect with other industry players, with partners and platforms.
Creative City Berlin is a project by Kulturprojekte Berlin GmbH and part of Kreativ Kultur Berlin, Berlin’s Beratungszentrum für Kulturförderung und Kreativwirtschaft. Kreativ Kultur Berlin is funded by the European Regional Development Fund (EFRE) for a period of three years (2016–2018). Creative City Berlin is supported by Berlin’s cultural affairs department (Senate Chancellery – Cultural Affairs) in cooperation with the Senate Department for Economy (Projekt Zukunft). They and other institutions provide the platform with information. Through interfaces and co-operations, Creative City Berlin is also connected to industry networks, cultural and creative blogs as well as job search engines.
If you want to use Creative City Berlin, you should sign up first and create a profile. While you’re at it, create a portfolio as well so you can showcase your work. Don’t worry, all of this is free.
Afterwards you have many options:
- Jobs: Look for jobs or if you are hiring, post your job offers. You can also use our email alert which informs you about new job offers daily, every three days or within a time frame of your choice.
- Rooms: Find spaces in Berlin or offer and post your own.
- Events: Post your events, workshops and training offers.
- Network: Connect with other users on Creative City Berlin, keep in touch with your favourite players and keep up to speed on their current projects. Just follow them here on Creative City Berlin.
- CCB Magazin: Become part of our CCB Magazine, send us your proposals.
Do you have further questions, suggestions or remarks? Then please don’t hesitate to contact us. We can either help you directly or refer you to a suitable contact in Berlin. Questions on how to use our website, for instance how you can synchronise your Facebook with your profile, can be found in our help section.
Let others see the real you: All of your information should be genuine and transparent.
Very important: Please try to use good quality photos and videos in your profile and portfolio. We can only feature you and your work on our homepage if the image quality permits it. The more information your profile contains the easier other players can find it on our website. For instance, if you choose not to upload a profile picture, your profile will only appear at the very end of the list of players for your creative sector and other players will not find you among their suggested connections. If you’d like to be given a shout-out in our newsletter or on our Facebook page, you should upload a pertinent description of yourself and the projects you’re working on. Also, try to make sure that texts you post on our website contain the key words that other players on Creative City Berlin might use in order to search for you or someone with your professional or artistic profile.
Image Credits: Don’t forget to credit the copyright owner of your image, photo or artwork. That’s the only way you can avoid plagiarism and copyright infringement.
You can create a personal profile (if you are an artist or a freelancer) or a profile for an institution, a network, an organisation or a project (click here). Afterwards you can publish and manage anything you publish via both profile types. Sometimes it’s useful to publish events or other content via your personal profile. However, if you want your event or post to be visible under the profile of a specific company, organisation or institution you should post via that organisation’s profile. In your account you will see the posts you have published and the modifications you have made. If you created more than one profile you can switch in between profiles here.
Creative City Berlin carries out the basic missions of:
Providing you with information: We provide an overview of promotion and funding opportunities, stipends, workshops, jobs, events and cultural happenings in Berlin. Our Questions & Answers section helps you resolve a number of issues, ranging from where you can find the coaching opportunities you’re looking for to whether you are eligible for funding if you are not a permanent resident in Berlin. Further information is provided by the other players you follow on Creative City Berlin.
Giving you a place to share your stuff with the community: Use Creative City Berlin to post what you want the share with other players in the cultural and creative industry. Watch how you present yourself.
Creative City Berlin is a project of Kulturprojekte GmbH, supported by the Senate Chancellery – Cultural Affairs and "Projekt Zukunft" with the Senate department for Economic Affairs, Technology and Research.
You can easily sign up here.
As a general rule, users can decide, what kind of personal information they would like to have appear on Creative City Berlin and what kind they would like to keep private. Please read our terms of use and our privacy information.
First, create a personal profile. Afterwards login with that personal profile and create a profile for the company, network, project or institution you work for. The admin rights for the company profile will be assigned to your personal profile automatically.
First create a personal profile. Login and go to the profile page of the company, network, project or institution you would like to edit. Click on "Is this your company?" From there you will be redirected to a form. Just follow the steps.
We will check your data and assign the administrator rights for that company or institution to you. You can edit the company profile by logging in with your personal profile. Please note: We can only assign administrator rights to you if you can provide us with information that proves you are actually associated with the company.
First of all, your profile should look appealing and be transparent – that way we can feature you on the site. You also can follow other profiles or favorite people's content. They'll be notified and may follow you back.
Sure. Just get in touch with us. All of our partnerships are complimentary, but please be aware, that we only accept content partnerships with companies, institutions, networks, projects and associations, that we think our network will benefit from.
Yes, that’s possible as well. Get in touch with us for details. All of our partnerships are complimentary, but please be aware, that we only accept media partnerships with companies, institutions, networks, projects and associations whose events can be considered relevant for the cultural and creative industry in Berlin.
On our job board you can search through a number of jobs and vacancies. You can also post any jobs that you might have available in your company or institution. The jobs and vacancies you see on Creative City Berlin are delivered via our content partners. You will see jobs from,,, Games Career, JOBWRK, Gründerszene, media:net berlinbrandenburg, berlin startupjob and The interface usually works both ways: jobs you see on our partners' pages also appear on Creative City Berlin, jobs you post on Creative City Berlin are also visible on our partners' pages. Please note: Some sites require you to pay a small fee and log in before the job you posted on Creative City Berlin becomes visible there, too.
The room exchange works just like the job board. You can can find free rooms and advertise yourself.
We're sorry to see you go. Log in to your profile, go to "Settings" and choose "Delete my profile". That's it.
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